Haloxyl is a synthetic peptide and a popular skin-lightening ingredient in many of anti-aging and anti-blemishing skincare products. It is typically found in eye creams and other skincare products that are specifically formulated to address dark circles and puffiness. Haloxyl can also be added as a single active ingredient into serum boosters or moisturizers.
The under-eye area is known to be one of the first places that begins to wrinkle, sag, and look dark and dull with age. Broken capillaries and thinning skin can also make this area appear darker. The skin under the eye area is very delicate and quickly becomes susceptible to creasing and wrinkling as the skin starts to thin.
In skincare formulations, Haloxyl is added at an approved concentration of 3%. It works by increasing blood circulation and strengthening the blood vessels around the eyes, which can help to reduce the appearance of dark circles. It also helps to break down and eliminate the buildup of haemoglobin and other pigments that can contribute to dark circles. Additionally, Haloxyl can also help to strengthen the skin and improve its overall tone and texture.
Overall, Haloxyl helps with age spots, uneven skin tone, discolourations, and old acne blemishes can be lightened.
The active ingredient of Haloxyl does not have major side effects and is safe to use on daily basis for most skin types.